By Grandes Villas SL

St John´s night
Dear guest, the night of Saint John, which we can also find named the San Juan night or Saint John´s eve. It is a religious tradition in where the birth of Saint John the Baptist is celebrated. It is celebrated on June 24th, celebrating the arrival of the summer solstice at the same time. The summer solstice is when the days begin to be shorter.
This tradition is established in the European-Mediterranean countries, and it has been maintained for a long time. Nowadays it has become the night of change and it is usually linked to bonfires on the beach and sometime with the water.
The way of celebrating this tradition changes in each place. Regarding our area, it is celebrated in a particular way, which includes bonfires are lit on the beach on the eve of the night of the 24th. Followed by the writing of three wishes on a piece of paper and then they are thrown into the fire. Three negative things written in another peace of paper are thrown into the sea for the tide to carry them away. Some also choose to swim in the sea at midnight in order to wake up in better shape the next morning.