By Grandes Villas SL


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Easter in Spain (Malaga)


The Spectacular Spanish Easter: a brief explanation about this wonderful celebration
The Easter is one of the most important spring celebrations in Spain. It remembers the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus. It has a special way to be dramatized in Spain. It usually starts on the Palm Sunday, but other cities like Sevilla starts a couple of days before. It consists of a procession set up by guide cross, flanked by lanterns and followed by rows of Nazarenes or penitents with candles. Behind them, there are usually two steps: one from Jesus and one from the Virgin. Except for the processions of silence, it is usual for them to be accompanied by music.

Depending on where the procession is held, the really heavy thrones or “tronos” will have “costaleros” or “portadores”. The first ones are under the passage and walk blindly, while the other ones go on the sides of the throne. The processions use to start by the church, making a route through the city or village to end at the same church. At the end of the procession, the silence will be made and a singer without microphone use to sing a “saeta”, a Spanish religious song.

The two most famous cities during the “Semana Santa” or Easter are Sevilla and Malaga. Malaga is 55 minutes away from Salobreña by car, so if you are here during the Easter, don’t hesitate to visit Malaga during this period, you will be astonished about this celebration in Spain.

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