By Grandes Villas SL


avatar Grandes Villas SL hace 4 años

Spanish Vocabulary: level 4/ calling a medical emergency number


Dear guest, when you come to enjoy your holidays in one of our wonderful villas, you might have medical problems

A few weeks ago we published a post about the emergency numbers. Now, besides of having the numbers, I will tell you some tricks of what to say when you need to call the medical emergency number because the person that you talk with might not speak English. Let’s start:

The first thing to do in a medical emergency is to call 112 (this number is free, even if you come outside the EU area)

Hola, tengo una emergencia – Hello, I have an emergency

They might ask: ¿Qué tipo de emergencia? – What kind of emergency?

Estoy sangrando – I am bleeding

Me duele mucho la cabeza – I have a heavy headache

Tengo fiebre – I have fever

Me duele mucho la barriga – I have a heavy pain in my belly

Me he roto la pierna – My leg is broken

Me he roto el brazo – My arm is broken

Tengo alergia – I have an allergy

No puedo respirar – I can’t breathe well

No siento el brazo – I can’t feel my arm

These are the most common symptoms. Of course if you have any questions, Grandes Villas has it owns emergency number (it is not a medical emergency number). Please call us when you have this kind of emergency. We will be happy to assist you.

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