By Grandes Villas SL


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Semana Santa


Dear guest, in this post we are going to talk about one of the greatest traditions in Spain,  Semana Santa.

Semana Santa is an annual remembrance of the Passion of Christ by Christians,so  the entry into Jerusalem, the Last Supper, the Stations of the Cross, the death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. It is celebrated in the sixth and last week of Lent from Domingo de Ramos until last night on Jueves Santo, them Jueves Santo night until Domingo de Pascua. This week begins on Domingo de Ramos and ends onDomingo de Resurreción, although in some places it begins onViernes de Dolores. This week varies in the months of March and April.

In many parts of the world there is the celebration of the Semana Santa, the most famous are the Semana Santa in Valladolid, Semana Santa in Leon,  Semana Santa in Zamora,  Semana Santa in Málaga,  Semana Santa in Granada, Semana Santa in Sevilla.

Let's talk about the Semana Santa in Granada.

The Semana Santa in Granada was created after the capture of Granada in 1492. Over the years more and more brotherhoods were created, most of them were formed in the 20th century.

As we have already mentioned, the Passion of Jesus Christ is represented by processions that take place on floats throughout the city of Granada, these floats are accompanied by penitents and devotees. 

Semana Santa in Granada was declared a celebration of International Tourist Interest in 2009.

Dear guest, come and enjoy the Semana Santa of Granada, where every day of the week you have a procession to see, and enjoy the restaurants and bars in the area.


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