By Grandes Villas SL
Grandes Villas SL
hace 1 año
Natural pools and rivers
- River Guadalfeo: This river is one of the most important in the area and runs for more than 70 kilometres from the Sierra Nevada to its mouth in the Mediterranean Sea. Along its course you can find several natural pools where it is possible to take a refreshing bath. Some of the best known are the pools of Vélez de Benaudalla or those of Ítrabo.
- Pozas del río Durcal: Located in the Sierra de Lujar, these pools are another interesting option for those looking for a bath in nature. To get to them it is necessary to follow a hiking route of about 6 kilometres round trip, which can be completed in about 3 hours. The path is somewhat demanding, but the scenery is spectacular and the pools, although somewhat cold, are very refreshing.
- River Genil: The river Genil is one of the main rivers of Andalusia and flows through the city of Granada. Along its course there are several bathing areas and river beaches, such as Playa de Cubillas or Playa de Cenes de la Vega. In addition, along its course you can find several waterfalls and waterfalls.
- Pozas del Río Dílar: The river Dílar is a tributary of the Genil which rises in the Sierra Nevada and has several natural pools where you can swim and refresh yourself during the summer days. The most outstanding are the Pozas de los Patos and the Pozas del Pino.
- River Cacín: The river Cacín is another tributary of the Genil which has several natural pools and waterfalls in its upper course. Among the most outstanding are the Cascadas de la Cimbarra and the Poza de las Palomas.
- Pozas del Río Lanjarón: The river Lanjarón is a tributary of the Guadalfeo that has several natural pools in its lower course, such as the Poza de las Calcosas or the Poza de la Laguna. These pools are very popular with locals and tourists alike.